About DJ Jayson Jalbert

In order to assist you in planning your event, please fill out as much of the information below as possible. Please note that all fields marked with an asterik ( * ) are required.

I like to be as thorough as possible in planning any event I am involved with - if you come to a section you're unsure of, just skip it and we can discuss those parts during our first meeting.

Step One: Contact Information


Step Two: Event Information


Step Three: Event Itinerary

Feel free to view a sample wedding itinerary while you fill this portion out - it will open in a new window and allow you to keep typing here.

Step Four: Music Selection

Tell me a little about the type of music you enjoy, favorite bands or singers, or even some must-have songs for your events - this is just a way for me to get a feel for the songs I can offer you. After sending this form, you will be able to print a more extensive listing of individual songs that I have available.